Add Years To Your Life
Times of India >> Dombivli Kalyan Plus >> Health
Water is an integral part of our life. But so far, the criterion for identifying the ‘proper’ type of water for consumption is limited to its taste, purity and water purification system. Little is known about the fact that water can be re-structured and new properties can be derived from it. i.e. water can be made alkaline without adding anything to it.
It has become evident that the water cluster size, the pH of water, its mineral content, the permeability and hydrating ability of water and its ability to transport necessary nutrients to the cellular level are important factors of water.
Studies reveal that there are five places on the world-map where the life-span of inhabitants is well over 100 years, with exceptionally good health. One such race is Hunza. Hunza is situated about 100 km North of Gligit in Pakistan. Many people in Hunza claim to be 150-years old, and many others are documented centenarians. The population of Hunza and the other four places viz. Vilcamba in Ecuador, Georgia in Russia, another place in Mongolia and one in Peru have completely different diets and climate conditions, but they all live longer and healthier lives.
The only common factor found in these places was that the water there contain negative ions, which has a different boiling point, freezing point, viscosity and surface tension and can enter the body cells three times faster. Structured hexagonal, it is filled with mineral solutes, and tests highly alkaline.
Alkaline water is found beneficial as it neutralises harmful acids and disposes them safely without leaching out valuable minerals such as potassium, magnesium, sodium, and calcium from the body. This process makes our body less susceptible to diseases.
Research shows that our food is the main cause of aging. Almost 99 per cent of the components of food are composed of carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen and only one per cent is minerals. These minerals play an important role of controlling each organ’s function. Alkaline minerals in food turn into alkaline waste after digesting, while acidic minerals turn into acidic waste. Some amount of acidic waste is excreted from the body in the form of urine or sweat. But acidic waste that has not been excreted circulates along with blood vessels within the body. This acidic waste gradually accumulates in our capillary blood vessels and eventually blocks them. Moreover, the organ accumulating acidic waste begins to slowly deteriorate, causing serious illnesses. Alkaline water helps to neutralise these acidic wastes, making them more soluble in the blood vessels.
There are three types of illnesses caused mainly by acidic waste:
Osteoporosis – caused by solidified acidic waste in the body
Solidified acidic waste that affects joints and organs in result of the raising cholesterol, kidney ailments, arthritis and gout.
The capillary blood vessels gradually block up with solidified acidic waste causing essential organs to be deprived of sufficient quantities of blood and nutrients. This can cause diabetes, kidney ailments, hypertension, cancer and other diseases.
Alkaline water contains structurally smaller molecules, which helps the body assimilate more water and hydrate quickly. By drinking alkaline water, we increase the intake of oxygen as compared with drinking plain water.
Alkaline water can be prepared at home from our regular tap water through user-friendly water ionisers. These ionisers generate ionised alkaline drinking water through a process called electrolysis, which can raise the pH level of the water from anywhere between 7.1 pH to 10.0 pH.
In the past the ability to alkalise our body was dependent mostly on eating an alkaline diet (satvik food) such as fruits and vegetables and avoiding acidic foods like meat and dairy. However, new technology has made the process to alkalise our body much more easier with water ionisers.
Alkaline-ion water is healthy to consume because it increases the anti-oxidants in the water and acts as a solvent of acidic waste stored in the body.
Ionisation cuts the size of the water molecular cluster in half enabling the smaller cluster to penetrate the cellular membranes of the body easily. This in turn speeds up new tissue building and waste removal.
Ionisation splits the water molecule into H+ and OH- ions, thus by drinking oxygen rich alkaline water with oh- ions, more oxygen is available to enrich blood. The ionised oh- molecules have extra electrons that neutralise destructive free radicals circulating throughout the body and thus allow the natural healing processes of the body to predominate and promote health.
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